... Welcome to the wine man show !
It is a pleasure for us to have you for our first show !
This is a beginning and we expect you to make this place an interactive blog where anyone can share their opinions, new ideas, or ask any questions they might have. We are here for you, remember it !
The team that you'll meet later on makes a "One" as we all share the same passion : Wine.
We are here to entertain you, to make you react and participate. Here the actors, are US, the editors, but also YOU ! And the bottle of wine !
Each article will be a unique moment, as the protagonist (the bottle), will always change. Its character, its background, its colour, everything will make the experience extraordinary.
Every wine that we will taste will be presented, therefore you can expect us to find some wines that we liked but also disliked.
Our challenge is to find the best wines for different budget and theme, but we also expect you to share your experiences of tasting quality & affordable wines ! Please feel free to ask us for a suggestion for a specific theme in a specific budget!
The more we will get references on this blog the easier it will be for you to say "Hey, that one looks nice, and I know exactly where to get it, EASY!"
In this blog we expect to create relationships with all of you, that's why we consider you need to know about each members of the Wine Man Show blog.

Thibault, has always been curious and interested in learning new things, the spirits and wines industry have always interested him. He is also 100% involved in the 4L trophy! Watch out drink driving!
Camille, who grew up in a family winery producing Armagnac, is a big fan of french wines. Would love to discover more about foreign wines! As Pline l'Ancien said: "In vino veritas" !
Thomas, is involved in the Cognac and Champagne industry working in his familly company. Always ready for new wine discovery! "To drink is not the answer, however, drinking makes one forget the question"
Lucie, passionate about Australian wines, has been travelling around Australia to discover its secrets. She says she speaks fluent chinese but that´s what she thinks...
Paul, a huge fan and connoisseur of Cognac, very talented at computer design, is happy to share his passion with you!
Such a good team and lovely blog... I'm looking forward to the first article !!
RépondreSupprimerCélia G.
Thank you very much Célia! We are glad that you like it, fist article will be published very soon...
RépondreSupprimerWine Man Show.